
Deploy a project in minutes with this quickstart guide.

WordPress hosting

Connect to an existing WordPress instance, or create a new WordPress site using any hosting provider such as WP Engine, DigitalOcean, or Kinsta. We recommend WP Engine as they have a great developer experience, reliable hosting and amazing support.


NextWP integrates with the NextWP Toolkit plugin on your WordPress site to enable features like preview mode and to retrieve additional data not included by default in the WP REST API, such as ACF options pages.

Create a new project

You can deploy a NextWP project to Netlify or Vercel with one click.

Deploy to NetlifyDeploy with Vercel

Or, create a new project using the create-nextwp-app CLI tool to generate a starter project.

pnpx create-nextwp-app

Add to existing project

If you already have a Next.js project, you can install @nextwp/core using your preferred package manager.

pnpm add @nextwp/core

Add Environment Variables

Properly configuring environment variables is crucial for enabling the NextWP to WordPress connection.

Generate an application password in WordPress. (Users > Your Profile > Application Passwords)
Make sure your NEXT_PREVIEW_SECRET and REVALIDATE_SECRET_KEY are also added in your NextWP Toolkit plugin settings.

Example .env.local

You can quickly copy these randomly generated example variables to your .env.local.



What's next?

Congratulations! You have successfully set up your Next.js site to connect with your WordPress CMS. Now, let's explore some next steps you can take:

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